Looking for a way to give back?
The Circle of Selfless Service, a community outreach program, has several ways you can give back to your community. We sponsor the following programs, and more:
1) The CSS "Meal Team," which feeds the homeless at both Prado Day Center and Maxine Lewis Shelter.
2) Land Conservancy historic project at the Octagon Barn in SLO, 2nd Saturdays, 9 am-12 pm
3) Environmental Protection
-Volunteer Restoration Work Days, Lower SLO Creek Floodplain Preserve, 2nd and 4th Saturdays, 9 am-12pm.
-Adopt-a-Highway. Clean up a section of highway along Hwy 1 near the Men’s Colony. Once/month on the first Saturday of the month
4) Collecting bottles & cans to raise money for special needs of Physically and Mentally disabled children and their families, Jack's Helping Hand, a SLO non-profit.
For more information and to get involved, please contact Susan Wood, 771-9706, susan@susanwoodlifecoach.com
Added by slojudes on June 22, 2009