430 Parkside Drive
Toronto, Ontario

VSP is honoured to have Elder Andrew Wesley present "Circle of Life: Plant Kingdom," a First Nations teaching of traditional medicinal and other uses of plants in both healing practices and as part of the spiritual connection to the earth and all its creatures.

Elder Andrew Wesley was born on the hunting grounds of his Cree ancestors in James Bay, Northern Ontario. Although he attended residential school, he learned traditional ways from the Elders who also taught the importance of the environment and Creation Spirituality concept. He now lives in Toronto and provides spirituality leadership to the Aboriginal community through his work, including his position as an Elder and Counselor at Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre.

Sunday, February 2, 10:30 am to 1:00 pm
Howard Park Tennis Club, 430 Parkside Drive (S. of Bloor from Keele)
For more information, go to www.highparknature.org or email stewards@highparknature.org.

Official Website: http://www.highparknature.org/wiki/wiki.php?n=VolunteerOpportunities.VolunteerStewardship

Added by cyberneticist on February 16, 2011

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