A classic hero's journey tale becomes a cult classic when brilliantly reimagined by The Coen Brothers as suburban-film-noir-gone-surrealist-buddy movie. We follow our reluctant hero "The Dude," as destiny calls him to action, and gorgeous MGM style dream ballet sequences follow.
We are a growing community of film lovers gathering to watch great movies with a depth perspective. Please join us as we view and discuss evocative movies which immerse us in unique ways of dreaming, exploring their archetypal, mythic, and depth psychological dimensions. Each movie is introduced with an eye toward specific symbolic images, themes, cinematic style and structure relevant to its archetypal and psychological content. We follow with a discussion which serves to deepen the themes and process viewer responses. Most important, we approach the material simultaneously with depth and playfulness, having a great time as we do.
Official Website: http://dream-institute.org/
Added by FullCalendar on March 5, 2009