CINEMA DREAMING : A Salon Style Cinema Series
A film is like an involuntary imitation of a dream. The darkness that slowly settles over a movie theater is equivalent to the act of closing the eyes. Then, on the screen, as within a human being, the nocturnal voyage into the unconscious begins.
-Luis Bunuel -
Each month, we view and discuss movies with unique dream qualities, and explore and demystify their mythic, archetypal, and depth psychological dimensions.
Cinema and dream share a natural kinship and affinity. Like other forms of art, films pour forth from the place of dreaming, and share the same poetic language of image, metaphor, myth and archetype. Watching a movie that has dreamlike qualities allows us to use the medium of film as an evocative and lively resource for learning and reflection.
Each event begins with an introduction that orients viewers to mythic, archetypal, and depth psychological themes and images, and to a film's backstory.
Following the film, our discussions will amplify and expand our themes and elicit audience responses, comments, and questions.
Please join us each month for a fun and unique cinema excursion.
Terry Gilmaster Ebinger, MS is an archetypal spiritual director and coach who has over twenty years experience working with dreams, archetypal studies, ancient wisdom traditions, and group and individual soul work.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on July 31, 2008