Original Pride: The Satyrs Motorcycle Club
Original Pride Directed by Scott Bloom, 2005, USA, 56 minutes. One of the first gay men's social organizations ever, The Satyrs Motorcycle Club was formed in 1954 and lives on as a vital group of Harley-riding, bearded and leather-clad men-loving men. This documentary is first a journey back to that illustrious start, offering a look at the men who were there and their ongoing influences on the leather community. And then a trip of the present-day, a visit with The Satyrs at their annual outing in a remote Northern California location, where thousands of gay bikers gather and play in the woods.
Preceded by
Pissies Not Sissies!
Directed by Charles Lum, 2005, USA, 14 minutes.
A first-hand account of the jovial goings-on in the men's room at a renowned international leather contest.
Pizza and beer reception follows for all ticket holders.
Official Website: http://www.cinkekink.com
Added by Viviane on May 30, 2007