Co-presented with CODE PINK and OPEN MEDIA. The New Press' "End the War" tour makes a Seattle stop for a peaceful Mother's Day celebration tonight. The evening begins with music by Olympia's Righteous Mothers band, and then features speakers Cindy Sheehan and Anthony Arnove. Ms. Sheehan, now renowned for her activism in the wake of her son Casey's being killed while in service in Iraq and then her vigil outside President Bush's Crawford ranch, is the author of Not One More Mother's Child (Koa) and a contributor to 10 Excellent Reasons Not to Join the Military (New Press). Anthony Arnove, the editor, with Howard Zinn, of Voices of a People?s History of the United States, is here with Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal (New Press), praised early on by Arundhati Roy ('an urgent book"), Tariq Ali, John Berger, Mike Davis, Eve Ensler, Eduardo Galeano, Ron Kovic, and many more. Tickets ($15/$12 students & seniors) are available at Elliott Bay, and at the door. Town Hall Seattle is located at 1119 Eighth Avenue, the corner of 8th and Seneca on Seattle's First Hill. For more information (and tickets), please call Elliott Bay at (206) 624-6600.
Official Website:
Added by joshc on May 3, 2006