This is a really fun thing to do with the family!
British Panto has a long tradition in Britain of some three hundred years. Always put on around the holidays, this interactive play is fun for all. Grandma, parents and the boys and girls.
This is the Fremont Players 6th annual show. Always based on a fairy tale, you will see large, colorful characters. You'll see men dressed as women, women dressed as men. You will be encouraged to boo at the villain and cheer for the hero! If you hear an actor say "ooooh no I didn't" ... you can retort with "ooooh yes you did". If you see something evil lurking, you may shout: "look behind you!!"
The troupe manages to fire enough jokes and innuendos over the kids heads to keep everyone entertained. With all original songs and music featuring the Fremont Philharmonic, this musical comedy is a great holiday experience!
December 12-14
December 19-21
December 26-28
Fridays at 7:30pm
Saturdays at 3pm and 7:30pm
Sundays at 3pm
At the Hale's Palladium
4301 Leary Way NW
Seattle, WA (Ballard/Fremont border)
$12/Adults, $6/kids (15 and under) and Seniors (65 and better)
Tickets on sale at Brown Paper Tickets
or call 800-838-3006
Tickets also available at the door.
Kids $6, Adults $12. Tickets available online or at the door.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on December 8, 2008