For info and lots more, go to WWW.CIASUMMIT.COM
Organized by Christian Independent AllianceThe Christian Independent Alliance is an organization dedicated to the advancement of independent Christian musicians worldwide. The CIA provides musicians and touring artists valuable tools and services which assist them in their varied missions. To learn more, visit CIAlliance.org
Indieheaven.com is the promotion/marketing/distribution/community division of the CIAlliance. To learn more, visitIndieheaven.com
The CIA Summit is a yearly conference held in Nashville, TN. The Summit provides education resources and community to attendees. To learn more, visit,CIASummit
Ticket Info: - CIA Summit 2009 1st person registration- Indieheaven Member, $124.95
- CIA Summit 2009 additional person registration- Indieheaven Member, $59.95
- CIA Summit 2009 1st person registration- Non Indieheaven Member, $249.95
- CIA Summit 2009 additional person registration- Non Indieheaven Member, $124.95
- CIA Summit 2009 Vendor Registration, $299.95
- It's All About The Song Seminar, $49.95
Official Website: http://ciasummit-upcoming.eventbrite.com