1350 Washington St
Denver, Colorado 80203

This year's sparkling holiday concert "Christmas with St. Martin's Chamber Choir" celebrates the release of St. Martin's second Christmas CD, "A Marian Christmas II." The first portion of the concert contains highlights from both "Marian Christmas" CDs, including, from the first, Distler's 6 settings of Est ist ein Ros entsprungen, Parry's When Christ was born, and the Biebl Ave Maria; and from the second, Maxwell-Davies' The Fader of Heven, Byrd's Beata Viscera Maria, and Dunkin's arrangement of Gloucestershire Wassail. The second portion of the concert presents a "Christmas Potpourri" of works, from Pearsall's In dulci jubilo, to Swedish composer Gustav Nordqvist's Jul, jul, and including along the way Four Canticles for the Christmas Season by modern American composer J. Chris Moore. The final section of the concert features a single work, the Ceremony of Carols by Benjamin Britten, with Don Hilsberg, harp.

Something new in this year's concert is a "sing along" section unlike any that anyone has likely experienced, for the audience will be asked to join the a cappella choir in modern arrangements of "O come, O come Emmanuel" by Terry Schlenker, "'Twas in the Moon of Wintertime" by Timothy J. Krueger,and others.

Tickets are $20 adult, $17 senior, $5 student, and may be purchased at the door or in advance at 303-298-1970. Call for more information, or email info@StMartinsChamberChoir.org. More details about the remainder of St. Martin's 2007-08 concert season can be found on the choir's website

Official Website: http://www.stmartinschamberchoir.org

Added by smcc on November 20, 2007

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