Christmas In Pendleton
Saturday November 14, 2009, Guaranteed SNOW! Parade!
First - if you plan to be part of our fantastic parade ... please complete the attached parade application and get it back to me right away.
Second - We still have room for vendor booths downtown ... help us fill up and make lots of shopping opportunities for the thousands of people expected downtown on Saturday, November 14th. The Vendor Application is also attached!
A new event this year is our Snow Babies Contest - sponsored by Citizens State Bank. You have a chance to win a $100 Savings Bond! You can begin bringing in your decorated collection cans to Citizens State Bank located at 129 S. Pendleton Ave, Stop #8, on Monday, November 2nd. The can with the most money wins the $100 Savings Bond ... see the attached flyer for all the details. It's easy and fun!
Take your letters and (Christmas) Cards to the Pendleton Post Office between 9am and Noon to have them canceled with the 2nd Annual Christmas in Pendleton Collectible Postal Cancellation Stamp!
And finally - plan on joining us for the All-You-Can-Eat Pancake Breakfast at 1st United Methodist Church from 7am - 10:30 am on the morning of Christmas in Pendleton. Enjoy a wonderful breakfast for only $5.00 (kids age 6 and under are free) and then check out the cookie walk!
9:00 am Shopping begins, Queen crowned at City Hall and Postal Cancellation Stamp available til noon.
10:00 am Carriage Rides Begin
12:45 pm Snowball Toss across State Street
1:00 pm Christmas in Pendleton Parade
2:00 pm Santa House Opens in the Old Town Hall
2:00 pm Official Measuring of Snowfall at Town Hall
2:00 pm Reception for Grand Marshall, Alisha Roman of WISH-TV
5:00 pm Caroling & Tree Lighting on the steps of the Post Office
For more information or to participate in the parade E-mail Bonny Clark at or call 765-617-5912
Added by Pendleton-Gazette on December 25, 2008