Live Nativity and Worship Service. Our family Christmas Eve service will feature a live nativity scene. Real animals will be a part of this joyful service - the kind of animals there were when Jesus was born (no camels, though ~ they have an engagement elsewhere that evening!). Scripture readings and special Christmas message from Pastor Rev. Dr. Kim Engelmann retell the Christmas Story. The worship service is a blend of congregational carols, orchestral instruments, and choral solos. Our renowned organ is featured to fill our sanctuary with the festive voices of shepherds, wise men and our little Cherubs. Bring your children so they can pet the animals as we carol around the manger.
Then, at 11 PM, join us for a traditional candlelight Christmas Eve service with songs and Scripture that call us to remember the God who is with us in Jesus. The service closes with Silent Night as the light from a candle is passed from one to another, reflecting the hope, joy, and peace of Christ.
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Added by FullCalendar on December 6, 2008