225 W. State Street
Pendleton, Indiana

The Anderson Area Christian Men’s Lenten Breakfast Series Committee recently finalized the 2009 schedule. The committee consists of core members from different churches in the Anderson area. It didn’t actually start out that way, but evolved from a bible study group of Anderson First Methodist Church men back in the mid 1940s. They met every Saturday during the year. In early 1948, they decided to invite other Methodist ministers to attend their services on the Saturdays during Lent and tell what they believed Lent was about. Other Methodist churches asked if their men could take part in these services and the need for a coordinating committee was born. Three men initially selected the speakers and location of each breakfast. They replaced one member yearly and rotated responsibilities. Further evolution brought about layperson speakers and music. The committee expanded in numbers with members from other denominations in the 90’s.

At this time, the committee consists of Richard Cassiday -- Anderson First UMC, Carl Moffett – New Horizons UMC, Joe Whistler – New Beginnings UMC, Mike McDonald - New Horizons UMC, Don Bates -- Fifth Street UMC, Harry Kirchenbauer -- St. Joseph RCC Elwood, R. Larry Smith -- New Horizons UMC, Bill Hormell – Ford Street UMC in Lapel, Bill Gwaltney – St. Ambrose RCC, Joe Tipton – Cross Roads UMC, and Kelly Land – Cross Roads UMC.

A “Mission Statement” was established to elaborate on the purpose and structure of the series and what it hopes to attain by stating. …”The committee is an ecumenical Christian laymen’s organization dedicated to promoting the celebration of God’s grace through fellowship, music and inspirational Christian speakers during the Christian Lenten season. Our goal is not to convert, but to inspire individuals to intensify worship and growth in their home church. To prepare hearts and minds to experience the righteousness that comes through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe, we have established a series of six consecutive Saturday morning breakfast programs during the season of Lent. The series will be sustained through free will offerings.”

The breakfasts use the following basic format:

7:15 am Registration of attendees and a gathering in the sanctuary of the church
8:00 am Invocation and breakfast
8:50 am Announcements and introduction of guest musician(s) and performance
9:10 am Introduction of guest inspirational speaker
9:30 am Benediction and dismissal
This year’s programs are as follows:

February 28 Anderson First Presbyterian Church, 230 W. 9th Street, Anderson Program by: Dr. Randall Frieling

March 7 Lapel Trinity UMC, 211 E. 7th Street, Lapel Music by: Matt McClintock
Speaker: Reverend Craig LaSuer
March 14 Pendleton First UMC, 225 W. State Street, Pendleton Music by: God’s Bones
Speaker: Dr. MaryAnn Hawkins
March 21 St. Ambrose RCC, 2801 Lincoln Street, Anderson Program by: Waterin2Wine

March 28 Anderson First Baptist Church, 907 No. Raible Ave., Anderson Music by: Jennifer Brandon
Speaker: Reverend John Wortinger

April 4 Madison Park COG, 6607 Providence Drive, Anderson. Music by: The Crossroads Quartet Speaker: Reverend Jim Lyon

To contact us with questions, please send an e-mail to AACMLBS@comcast.net

Added by Pendleton-Gazette on February 15, 2009

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