SPEAKER - “Choosing a Life of Happiness” with Ken Walker. Ever wonder why some people always seem so happy? Have you ever thought "I'll be happier when..."? Harness the power of intention to make a difference in your life right now! Learn how to be more flexible and self-aware. Live life more fully. Come participate in a fun evening of discovery, learning, and aha! moments with Ken Walker, The Happiness Guy, www.thehappinessguy.com
LOCATION & COST: Burnaby Business Women - One-to-One Networking, non-profit women's group, meet Thursday, September 25th, 2008 at 6pm register & social for 7pm dinner & speaker at meeting room, ABC Country Restaurant, 6500 East Hastings Street (at Kensington), Burnaby. Members $21. Guests $24. Pay at door. RSVP to reserve: Sharon 604-434-7221 or sharon@donndean.com
NETWORKING: Bring your brochures, pamphlets and business cards for our networking table. Door prizes are donated by some of those attending, which are always appreciated!
Added by MerrileeMiller on September 7, 2008