With his midriff-baring t-shirts and loose-limbed dance moves, !!!s Nic Offer is a total goofball in the unselfconscious way that only really cool guys can get away with being. If you have ever attended a performance by !!! or Offers former band, Out Hud, then you are familiar with his repertoire: the Christ-like wingspan, overhead clapping, shimmying hips, gangly duck-walking, dervish spins, scissor kicks, and humpy pelvic thrusts. It is like the mutant spawn of step aerobics, Flashdance, and Electric Boogaloo in an arena-ready package: ridiculous, extravagant, and completely awesome. Offers stage presence is not just deeply entertaining; it is an ice-breaker that gives us permission, by example, to forget ourselves and celebrate with abandon. You can tell he is having a hell of a time, and his enthusiasm is infectious.
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