80-82 Wardour St
Soho,London, England W1F 0TG

Chinwag Live: Search and LBS

Is an alliance of mobile search and location-based services poised to take the consumer experience and wireless marketing world by storm?

Join us on 7th October to discuss the issues and opportunities for marketers, brands and technology providers with our panel of experts...

You might think mobile search is just accessing the same digital information in a different way - that all that's required is a change in format to optimise information for mobile devices.

The reality is that, with mobile's unique ability to be an ultra-portable tool for accessing information - coupled with its database of contacts and ability to know where you are - search on mobile devices really comes into its own with the widening availability of location-based information and services.

But are the market and the consumer ready? Are business models primed to go, and the value chain in place? Are brands missing an opportuntity with search and location-based services, or wisely biding their time?


Felix Petersen - Co-founder, Plazes / Head of Product Management, Social Activities, Nokia
Chris Moisan - Product & Market Development Manager, - Taptu / blog
Andrew Scott - Co-founder, Rummble
Adrian Drury - Head Of Commercial Strategy & Business Development, The Cloud
Peggy-Anne Salz - Chief Analyst & Producer, MSearchGroove
CHAIR: Jo Rabin – Consultant & Co-Founder of MoMo London

More Information:
Chinwag Live: Search and LBS

[If you experience any problems with the Paypal or google check out booking systems or prefer not to use these, please contact us directly live@chinwag.com or 0870 730 7313 and we will process your booking by credit / debit card directly. Thanks.]

REFUNDS: In the unfortunate event that you can't make it along, we're able to provide a full refund as long as you email us 7 days in advance of the event.

Official Website: http://cl20.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite leev events on October 7, 2008