What constitutes success in social media? Traffic? Return on investment? Accumulating social capital?
2007 was the year of social media. Thanks to social networks like Facebook and Bebo, real-time social web tools like Twitter and snowballing use of photosharing and other collaborative tools, the landscape changed dramatically.
But as marketers’ attention is drawn towards social media, the questions about its effectiveness will inevitably follow.
Measurements of customer satisfaction, engagement, loyalty and participation seem more appropriate for online social activities, but how can these areas of goodwill be quantified? And more importantly, how do these relate to the success of a campaign or a community?
Alex Burmaster – European Internet Analyst, Nielsen Online
Robin Grant - Client Services Director, 1000heads
Will McInnes – MD, Nixon McInnes
Ankur Shah – Co-founder, Techlightenment
Chair: Jim Sterne - Chair of the Web Analytics Association
(Complimentary drinks and snacks will be served)
TIMINGS: 6pm doors open for drinks & networking. Discussion starts 6.30pm sharp. Debate ends 8.30pm - drinks and networking continue until 11pm.
BOOKINGS & MORE INFO: http://live.chinwag.com/measuringsocial
COST: £25+VAT until 12th Feb, £40+VAT thereafter
Official Website: http://live.chinwag.com/measuringsocial
Added by chinwag on January 17, 2008
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This event is now sold out. We'll be announcing our next one soon.
The Chinwag team