台北市安和路二段100號2F (遠企旁)
Taipei, Taipei City

Chinese Valentine Singles Party/Speed Dating
邀請者: MagicMatchParty.com
時間: Saturday, July 29, 2006 9:30pm-2:30am
地點: Cheers Nini
台北市安和路二段100號2F (遠企旁)
電話: 02-2703-1919

中國七夕情人節即將來臨,台北 Magic Match Party 很榮幸邀請您參加 7月29日星期六晚間在安和路Cheers Nini為俊男美女所準備的單身派對,派對中除了可盡情跳舞之外,還有很多好玩的節目,讓您在自然環境下認識更多新朋友。 節目包括:
配對小遊戲 (我們會提供配對卡片,當你找到你/妳的同伴時就有機會共享獲得我們送出的小禮物喔)
Speed Dating 速配專區 (當天來賓皆可免費現場報名參加,你/妳將與現場每位速配對象進行5分鐘的快速約會)
Date Auction - 約會大拍賣 (當晚將會進行一場匿名的慈善拍賣,得標的來賓將可以和我們的 model 嘉賓們進行一次免費的浪漫約會,並且你的愛心將全數捐給台灣世界展望會)
Cheer Nini在夜店一條街的安和路上,「卡內基」樓上,是時尚男女趨之若鶩的時髦新天地!在筆直高樓的環伺下,Cheers nini 的空曠露台讓您盡情欣賞夏日星光。室內巧妙結合水光與氣泡,打造出洋溢光影流動,具視覺開放空間的獨特風格,同時設有動感舞台,可隨興跳舞。

Are you shy and don't know how to approach people at a party?
Do you feel that when you meet someone you don't have anything to say?
Do you want to make more contacts at a party but haven't been able to?
Would you like to meet a handful of cool new people?
Are you tired of the typical nightclub scene?
If you said yes to any of the above, then you don't want to miss our Chinese Valentine's Day Party.

Since the Chinese Valentine's Day is coming, Magic Match Party Taipei proudly presents the Chinese Valentine's Day Party on Saturday, July 29th at Cheers Nini: a night of excitement with an array of games and entertainment.

The event includes:

Prize giveaways (We will have special prizes that will be given away throughout the whole night.)
A Date Auction (We will be auctioning off two secret celebrities, 1 female and 1 male. The winner of the silent auction will get to go on a date with the models, all expenses paid by our sponsors, and all the proceeds will go to World Vision Taiwan, a well deserved charity that helps those in need all over the world. They will also give FREE autograph CDs at the event.)
A special area for Speed Dating (You can register at the event. We will have an area specifically designated for speed dating. You will get 5 minutes with each date to make that magical connection.)
Match games (We will have special match cards with famous couples that will help you break the ice. Once you find your match, you will get a special prize to share.)
A full bar (Cheers Nini has a great selection of drinks and there will be drink specials all night long.)
Dancing (The best music will be played throughout the night. Cheers Nini has a great sound system, a well designed dance floor, and great DJs for you and your matches to dance to.)

Cheers Nini is Taipei's hot new club located on An-He Road, Section 2, Number 100, right above Carnegies. Cheers Nini has an incredible sound system for dancing and a large patio to relax and enjoy the summer stars above.
We will help you meet new friends and potential dates in two ways:

If you see any cute guys or hot girls that you want to meet, one of our friendly Match Makers, identified by his/her glowing necklace, will gladly introduce you! Of course, after we help you start the conversation, it's still up to you to close the deal by asking for his or her phone #!
There will be games and activies to break the ice, to have fun, and to help you meet that special someone.
The party will go on until 2:30am, so feel free to drop by anytime during the night!
來賓名單 (Guest List): 美女 (Females) NT$300 | 帥哥 (Males)NT$400

Official Website: http://taipei.magicmatchparty.com

Added by speeddatingtaiwan on July 23, 2006

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