1260 6th Ave
New York, New York 10020

Come in from the cold and warm your heart with the season’s grandest celebration. Presenting traditional Chinese performances created specially for the holidays along with a few of the season’s beloved classics; the epic tales, thrilling dances, and beautiful music are sure to be the highlight of your family’s celebration.

More info at http://www.chinesesplendor.com/

Chinese New Year Splendor at Radio City Music Hall

Prices: $58, $88, $110, $150, $250
(All ticket prices are include facility charge $4.50)
Location: 1260 6th Ave, New York, NY10020
Box Office: 6th Ave at 50th St., NYC
Door opening: 1 hr before the show.

Contact: (212) 307-4111, http://www.radiocity.com/ and http://www.ticketmaster.com
Ticket Hotline: 212-695-show

Official Website: http://www.chinesesplendor.com

Added by shiny.stone on February 3, 2008