OCA-OC invites you to join our Greater Los Angeles Chapter, OCA-GLA, at the Chinese Contemporary Art Reception featuring Artist, Li Qing...
OCA-GLA, APEX, and the Chinese Historical Society of Southern California Present:
Co-existing Heritages – A Reception and Discussion about the Explosion of Interest and Development in Chinese Contemporary Art – with Leading Art Gallery Professionals and with Artist, Li Qing
Place: DF2 Gallery
Date: March 8, 2008
Art Preview and Discussion: 5 pm (wine, refreshments, appetizers will be served)
Art opening reception to follow.
Admission to this event is free
Come join us for a lively reception and discussion about the recent explosion of interest in contemporary Chinese art in Los Angeles and around the world. There will be a hosted reception with complementary wine and refreshments.
The “art talk” will be given by leading gallery and art professionals working in the field of Chinese contemporary art together with Li Qing, a young contemporary artist who is a brilliant representative of the new generation of artists from China.
With his personal perspective, Li has developed a collision technique to create two new mirror images from his analogous paintings. The viewers will be invited to analyze and examine the shifts of time, physicality, space and memory before they will be rewarded with humorous and satirical messages. Li has remarked, “I think many Chinese artists are now bringing about a change within this context; I believe that Chinese and Western heritages can coexist in the context of contemporary art history.”
Title of painting on accompanying attachment: “Mutual Undoing and Unity: Mixed Weapon,” 2007, Quadriptych, Photography and oil on canvas.
Location: DF2 Gallery
314 North Crescent Heights Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90046
Phone 323-782-7404
When: March 8 at 5 pm. Reception to follow.
Websites: www.oca-gla.org; http://www.df2gallery.com/
To RSVP please email cchiu@ocanational.org or call 213-250-9888. You may also call George Yin at 323-333-5534 for more information.
Added by alberttwong on March 3, 2008