China Next: China's Future
A photography competition raising money for Shanghai's underprivileged students.
The Shanghai Flickr Meetup group is organizing a charity auction
The winning photographs will be printed and framed to around and then sold at auction for charity during the event.
Flickr members submit their digital photographs under the theme "China Next: China's Future". The competition is open to anyone. To enter get a free account at
www.flickr.com and post entries at the
China Next group thread.
The raised funds will be donated to
Shanghai Sunrise, a charity that helps to remove Shanghai families from the poverty cycle by providing education scholarships for disadvantaged students.
Our host of this event,
La Bella Café will donate 30% of the evening's takings to
Shanghai Sunrise - so eat and drink plenty!
Kodak China has graciously donated the printing and framing costs for the 10 photographs selected by our mystery judge.
Photographers will also take studio portraits of patrons at the event for a donation to
Shanghai Sunrise.
The photograph entering the competition can only be submitted via the
Flickr photo sharing system at the
China Next group. You can register for a free account at
Official Website: http://www.flickr.com/groups/chinanext/
Feel free to bring friends!