200 Painters/Photographers
80 fashion Designers
Video Installationsspan
Live Painting by:
Rachel Znerold
Jasper Thomas
Rob Harris
Daryoush Bahar
Music by:
DJ Felina (www.djfelina.com)
Dirtyhertz (www.dirtyhertz.com)
Rondo Brothers (www.rondobrothers.com)
LARON (http://www.myspace.com/laronakaswan)
Terbo Ted (http://www.terboted.com)
Irene Hernandez-Feiks (www.chillinproductions.com)
+ more
December 4, 2010
Where: Mezzanine
444 Jessie Street, SF CA 94103
$10 at the door
Must be 21 + ID
For more details go to
Thank you to our great sponsors:
Wonderland SF (www.wonderlandsf.com
SF Weekly (www.sfweekly.com)
Nitevibe (www.nitevibe.com)
Metrowize (www.metrowize.com)
Yelp (www.yelp.com)
Lolo Restaurant (www.lolosf.com)
Nitewise (www.nitewise.com)
Heratbaker (www.theheartbaker.com)
Specchio Restaurant ( www.ristorantespecchio.com)
Until there is a cure (www.until.org)
Breast Cancer Emergency Fund (www.bcef-sf.org)
This Old Bag (http://tob.bcef-sf.org)
San Francisco Women’s Film Festival (www.sfwff.com)
AIDS Emergency Fund (www.aef-sf.org)
Ipling (www.ipling.com)
111 Minna Gallery (www.111minnagallery.com)
Secession Art and Design (www.secessionsf.com)
Spork Restaurant (sporksf.com)
Addiction Hair Salon (www.addictionhairsalon.com)
Lucid Beauty (www.lucidbeauty.com)
Hair Play (www.hairplay.com)
Access Institute for psychological services (www.accessinst.org)
The Innovative Fashion Council of San Francisco (www.ifcsf.com)
Mosio (www.mosio.com)
Ladybrille (www.ladybrille.com)
Legend Magazine (www.legendmag.net)
Mars Bar (www.marsbarsf.com) RAG (www.ragsf.com)
Primo Promotes (www.primopromotes.com)
Hope Flight Foundation (www.hopeflightfoundation.org)
Nomadika (www.nomadika.com)
Blowfish Sushi (www.blowfishsushi.com)
Official Website: http://www.chillinproductions.socialgo.com/
Added by jc_at_work on November 29, 2010