Children ages 4 and up will gather on the High Line to help release Painted Lady butterflies into the park on Wednesday, July 27 at 4 PM, at the Chelsea Market Passage. The release of the butterflies will help pollinate the flowers and plants along the High Line and keep them healthy.
Friends of the High Line has been raising the butterflies in large net houses during the entire month of July and have been tracking their daily growth and transformation. Each week, at the High Line’s “Wild Wednesday” program, families have seen the butterflies grow, from black, spiky caterpillars less than an inch long to orange butterflies with brown, white and black speckles.
Families will also celebrate the release with a party, make butterfly decorations to wear and accompany Friends of the High Line staff on a parade south on the park to say goodbye and watch the butterflies fly into the High Line gardens.
Wednesday, July 27th, 2011
4:00 – 6:00 PM
Butterfly Parades at 4:30 PM, 5:15 PM and 6:00 PM
Meet at the Chelsea Market Passage
On the High Line at 16th Street
Added by yw on July 25, 2011