Aug 8 - Oct 24, 1pm-3pm, Sundays
I am very excited to be able to share the Bradley Method with you. My classes are not only educational they are a fun place to gather, make new friends and build a support system. I offer several series of classes during the year.
By working with me during your pregnancy, you and your husband/partner will discover the power you have to shape your experience through educated, personal choices.
*Learn about what typically happens to both mind and body during labor
*Get ready to make educated choices about the medical options you may be offered of you birth in a hospital setting.
*Create a birth plan expressing your hopes and preferences for the birth
*Practice techniques for managing the physical and psychological challenges of labor
*Gain tips on achieving a fulfilling and empowered birth experience.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on July 23, 2010