Beschreibung in Deutsch:
[13-04-2007, Berlin] CHIHA (Tunesien) & Band @ Filmbühne am Steinplatz
AHOI presents GLOBALL_AMORALL in Berlin:
Freitag, 13. April 2007, 21Uhr
Filmbühne am Steinplatz, Hardenbergstr.12, 10623 Berlin
CHIHA (Tunesien) & Band
>>> arabische Jazz-Rock-Tanzmusik <<<>>> Drum’n Bass & House <<< >>> die mystische Stimme aus Tunesien <<<>>> a lioness in an Assfah*! <<<
*) a powerful storm in the Sahara
Die Band:
Madame Rafa / Jordanien – perc.; Torsten Schulz / Deutschland – bass;
Meinhard Blum / Deutschland - key, sax; Marcel Dufanal / Haiti - perc.;
CHIHA - Kurzinfo:
Gesangsstudium an der Nubat-Universität RASHIDIA in Tunis.
1968 betitelte sie der Präsident von Tunesien: Habib Burgeba mit “Wafa Khaldia“ (Die ewige Treue)
und wurde bis 1971 die 1.Sängerin am Palast in Kartago! Später folgten zahlreiche Tourneen, Rundfunk- und Fernsehkonzerte.
Die Stimme des orientalischen Juwels und die sehnsuchtsvollen und tragischen Texte mit dem Themenschwerpunkt "Liebe und Kulturkonflikt" passen grundsätzlich sehr gut zu experimenteller Programmierung und versetzt uns in fantastische arabische Trance.
AHOI Künstler- & Event-Management
Tel: +49-(0)30-691.3384
English description:
[2007-04-17] CHIHA (Tunisia) & Band @ Filmbühne am Steinplatz in Berlin/ Germany
AHOI presents GLOBALL_AMORALL in Berlin:
Friday, April 13th 2007, 9pm
venue: Filmbühne am Steinplatz, Hardenbergstr.12, 10623 Berlin
CHIHA (Tunisia) & Band
>>> arabic Jazz-Rock-Dance Music <<<>>> Drum’n Bass & House <<< >>> The mystical voice from Tunisia <<<>>> a lioness in an Assfah*! <<<
*) a powerful storm in the Sahara
The Band:
Madame Rafa / Jordan – perc.; Torsten Schulz / Germany – bass;
Meinhard Blum / Germany - key, sax; Marcel Dufanal / Haiti - perc.;
about CHIHA:
CHIHA (the healing plant Vermouth) was born in the south of Tunisia. During her vocal studies she concentrated on Arabic-Andalousian as well as Berber traditions and the art of Nubat- which is a kind of singing only a very few people are proficient in. She performed countless tours, TV and radio broadcasts which introduced her to the public both in Tunisia and abroad.
In the nineteen sixties while still studying at the Tunis conservatory CHIHA attended a concert of a German orchestra and was excited by this music so unfamiliar to her. She immediately had the vision of blending European and Arabic music.
The voice of this oriental jewel and the tragic words with the themes of love and conflict of cultures are good based in the experimental program and bring us in the fantastic Arabic Trance.
Under the leadership of the drummer Matthias Trippner from Berlin (Shank, RAD. Groove Unlimited…) they came up with a very special blend of Arabic-Andalousian traditions and modern European dance music, a version of Arabic popmusic with elements from Drum’n’Bass and House.
With her songs - most of which she wrote and composed herself – CHIHA wants to express thanks to all the people who supported her. Mutual understanding, respect and love of people means a lot to her and she makes it a theme of her songs. In her concerts she sing also lots of traditional songs of her Northafrican culture.
AHOI Künstler- & Event-Management
Tel: +49-(0)30-691.3384
Official Website:
Added by AHOI on March 9, 2007