Watch out! July 26th Chicks and Giggles WILL BLOW YOUR MIND!
Tuesday, July 26 @ 8:30 pm - RAGA - 433 East 6th Street between 1st and A. FREE as a bird, now...
AB CARNEY (producer, Still Standing, Manhattan Comedy Collective)
KATINA CORRAO (The Pearl Brunswick)
JEN DZIURA (Host, Williamsburg Spelling Bee)
LEIGHANN LORD (Comedy Central)
LAURA MANNINO (co-producer, Mintyfresh)
JENNY RUBIN (The Social)
Hosted by Carolyn Castiglia (Caroline's, Gotham)
Check this out, dawgs:
FREE! FUNNY! Why the F not?...
Added by CarolynCastiglia on July 21, 2005