World-class Security Training & Ethical Hacking Conference. Spring Edition hits hot technical topics, career advancement and the #1 threat, hacking humans AKA Social Engineering.
Raffael Marty (Splunk), Dr. Marc Rogers (Purdue), Murray (Foreground), Nickerson (Lares, Tiger Team)
Chicago's Own Hacker Con Drops This May, Teaches Human Hacking to Corporations ChicagoCon 2009s Training May 4 - 8 Conference May 8 - 9 Last year, we proved hacking for a living and making great money is a reality. This year we focus on advancing your security career & the most serious threat today, hacking humans AKA Social Engineering. Spring ChicagoCon 2009 by TDCC features world-class security training followed by a 2-Day Ethical Hacking Conference that prepares attendees for a dream career on the cutting edge of technology and the human mind. Gartner reported in 2004 that the greatest security risk over the next 10 years will be the increasingly sophisticated use of Social Engineering (SE) to bypass IT security defenses. Most have seen the proliferation of SE attacks especially when it comes to phishing and its many variants.
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$100 Conference Only Tickets, Training for $1995+
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on March 25, 2009