333 West 35th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60616

Chicago residents are gathering to make canvassing trips to nearby Indiana. We have 4 Saturday trips in Oct. before the election. Sign up for 1 or all four.Bring family and friends. Indiana is a major battleground state who has not elected a Democratic President since the 60's. And we are closing the gap. Come help us spread Barack Obamas word. Car pools are available for those who need a ride. For those who can drive and have room for riders, let me know. RSVP by calling me at 773 241-9818 or e-mail at kolsen@obamafd.com. PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR PHONE # so I can call you with details. WE CAN'T DO THIS WITHOUT YOU, BUT WE CAN DO IT WITH YOUR HELP>

This event was submitted by MyBO on behalf of Kathleen Olsen. Be sure to RSVP for this event @ MyBO!

Official Website: http://my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/gs7sdg

Added by MyBO on September 25, 2008

Interested 1