Chic Teleclass Chats
Join Kimberly for a one-hour le chic teleclass (via phone in the comfort of your own home) chat with your journal, cup of tea, and pen in hand.
This chat will be Summer Solstice-Shine Brightly. You will learn ways to shine as your ideal self during this vibrant season. The fun will be held on Monday, June 29, 2009 at 9:00pm ET (8:00 CT, 7:00 MT, 6:00 PT).
Can't makethe call live? No problem, the teleclass will be recorded and an mp3 will be sent to you within 48 hours so you won't miss out! To secure your spot, sign up at In addition, all listeners will receive a coupon code for online shopping of the eco-friendly TranquiliT collection.
purchase teleclass: $10
purchase teleclass and one hour of mentoring: $150
Official Website:
Added by jhaile on April 4, 2009