In the second installment of its year-long Creator/Curator series, the Chiara String Quartet will perform at Galapagos Art Space in Dumbo, Brooklyn. For this series, the Chiara Quartet - lauded for its “highly virtuosic, edge-of-the-seat playing” (The Boston Globe) - has commissioned four stellar young composers to write a new work and to curate the concert on which the new work is to be performed, choosing music that illustrates their influences, inspiration, and heritage. The Creator/Curator for December 5 is celebrated composer Huang Ruo. The Chiara will give the world premiere of Huang Ruo’s new piece, Calligraffiti, paired with Gorecki’s String Quartet No. 2. Calligraffiti will feature projected video art by Seattle-based video installation and sculptural performance artist Juniper Shuey.
Tickets: $15 at or 718.222.8500
Added by christinajensen on November 4, 2010