9601 Germantown Avenue
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19118

Dr. Dawn Bonnell, trustee professor of materials science and director of the Nano/Bio Interface Center at the University of Pennsylvania will present the lecture, “Probing BioSystems at the Nanoscale” at the 19th Annual Biomedical lecture on Wednesday, February 15, 2012 at 4 p.m. in the East Parlor, St. Joseph Hall.

As one of the country’s top leaders in nanotechnology, Dr. Bonnell was a key participant at the 2010 National Nanotechnology Innovation Summit in Washington, D.C. At the Nano/Bio Interface Center at the University of Pennsylvania, she has generated new research programs that cross disciplinary boundaries linking engineering and life science.

The lecture is free and open to the public. For more information, please contact Dr. Lakshmi Atchison at latchiso@chc.edu or call 215.248.7159.

Added by chc.publicrelations on January 25, 2012