9601 Germantown Avenue
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19118

“Sacred Earth: Spirituality and Sustainability,” an interdisciplinary conference sponsored by the School of Graduate Studies and the Holistic Spirituality program at Chestnut Hill College and the Sisters of St. Joseph Earth Center will be held from Friday, June 11, 2010 to Sunday, June 13, 2010 on the Sugarloaf Hill campus of Chestnut Hill College.

The “Sacred Earth: Spirituality and Sustainability” conference (www.chc.edu/SacredEarth) will bring together people from diverse backgrounds who are exploring the role of spirituality in responding to global environment crises and supporting ecologically sustainable lifestyles. Chestnut Hill College is also introducing a new graduate certificate in Spirituality and Sustainability.
The Sacred Earth conference will support an atmosphere of shared learning by offering speakers, an interfaith panel discussion, workshops, films, outdoor experiences, and dialogue sessions. The conference will unfold around three daily themes:
• Day 1: From Cosmos to Chestnut Hill: The Universe Story and Knowing Your Place
• Day 2: Historical and Theological Perspectives: Interfaith focus on Spirituality and Sustainability
• Day 3: Sustaining Ourselves for the “Great Work” Ahead.

Sr. Miriam Therese MacGillis, co-founder of Genesis Farm, a pre-eminent ecological learning center where people of good will search for more authentic ways to live in harmony with the natural world and each other, will kick off the conference with a keynote speech entitled, “Unveiling the Sacred, Exploring the Spirit: Laying the Foundation of a Sustainable Future.”

Official Website: http://www.chc.edu/SacredEarth/

Added by chc.publicrelations on April 21, 2010