9601 Germantown Avenue
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19118

Chestnut Hill College will host a Science Career Day on Wednesday, September 22, 2010. Science Career Day is sponsored by the Division of Natural Sciences at Chestnut Hill College.

Science Career Day will feature the keynote speech, “Ghosts of Ancient Viruses in Vertebrate Genomes,” by Dr. Anna Marie Skalka, professor and basic science director emerita at the Fox Chase Cancer Center. The lecture will take place at 2 p.m. in the East Parlor, St. Joseph Hall on the College’s campus.

Dr. Skalka is internationally recognized for her contributions to our understanding of the biochemical mechanisms by which such viruses, including the AIDS virus, replicates and inserts their genetic material into the host genome. Dr. Skalka’s major research interests are the molecular aspects of the replication of retroviruses.

The lecture is free and open to the public. For more information, please contact Joseph Kulkosky, Ph.D., associate professor of biology at 215.248.7157 or email kulkoskyj@chc.edu.

Added by chc.publicrelations on September 17, 2010