220 Brunswick St
Brisbane, Queensland 4006

Cherry Red and Lempica Records Presents

Screens + Big Dead + Sunshine Ensemble + Simone Pitot & The Albums


Combining dynamic ambiance and progressive post-rock soundscapes with an innovative multimedia experience, premiere Brisbane band ‘Screens’ will soon be making their debut on the local scene creating conceptual works of audio and visual storytelling.

Bound by a deep-seeded passion for music and film, screens draws on the talents and skills of Leon Rodgers (bass, guitar), Skot Bruynius (percussion), trained vocalist and film Grad Kate O’Sullivan (vocals, guitar, keyboards), veteran soundsmith Jaxn Lindner (guitar, laptop, vocals) and deft guitarist David Fincher (guitar, keyboards).

Currently based at Audio Colour Studios, Brisbane, screens immerse audiences in rich tapestries of sight and sound. Driven by the desire for live storytelling, audiences will be enveloped in enigmatic journeys that will redefine the boundaries of live music and cinema.

Screens will be making their much anticipated live performance debut at The Globe Theater on Friday 11th of February 2011.

Friday 11th Feb

The Globe Theatre
220 Brunswick St
Fortitude Valley

18+ I.D required

Added by The Globe - Fortitude Valley on January 29, 2011