2nd to 3rd from Clayton to Steele
Denver, Colorado 80206


What is the Cherry Creek Arts Festival?

The Cherry Creek Arts Festival (CCAF) weekend event is a world-class and award-winning celebration of the visual, culinary and performing arts, and enjoys an attendance of 350,000 visitors over the 3-day event. CCAF gives patrons the FREE, rare and special opportunity to meet and talk with international visual artists, sample fine cuisine, visit special exhibits and artist demonstrations, and entertain their families with interactive 'Artivities' and exciting performing arts. CCAF is proud to be considered Colorado’s signature cultural event and to be a nationally top-ranked and award-winning art show annually – both in the visual artist and special event/festival industries.

CCAF is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation whose mission is to provide access to a broad array of arts experiences and support arts education in Colorado. Along with the arts festival itself, CCAF fulfills its year-round art education and outreach mission through programs including the Mobile Art Collection, Artist in Residence programs and the Student Art Buying Program.

When does the arts festival take place?

CCAF annually takes place 4th of July weekend, and the 19th Annual CCAF is July 3, 4, 5, 2009. The hours are 10:00am to 8:00pm Friday July 3rd and Saturday July 4th, and 10:00am to 6:00pm on Sunday July 5th. The Accessibility Hour for those with mobility concerns is Sunday July 5th from 9:00am to 10:00am. On Friday and Saturday night July 3rd and 4th, “Festival Nights” continue on Fillmore Plaza from 8:00pm to 10:00pm.

Where is the arts festival?

The CCAF is located in the Cherry Creek North District, from 2nd to 3rd, on the six streets from Clayton through Steele.

How many visual artists exhibit at the arts festival, and how are they selected?

Annually, there are approximately 230 juried visual artists and 8 “Emerging Artists”. Artists are chosen in a blind-jury process from an annual average of over 2,000 artist applications, making it one of the most competitive shows for visual artists annually. There are no quotas by medium or origination location; the best visual art and a balanced art show are the sole selection criteria for the jury.

How can I learn more?

Informational videos are available at: http://www.Podcast.CherryArts.org

Watch our exciting overview video and enjoy other mixed-media videos previewing juried visual artists, performing artists, and many, many more peeks of what’s to come for the upcoming CCAF. The other big stories for CCAF are the year-round art education and outreach programs offered, and videos about these programs are available on our Podcast page.


Visit our website for complete information including parking, amenities, volunteer and non-profit partner participation info, performing arts schedules, special features and events, sponsorship information and much more.


Website Press Area:

Press Kit, Press Releases, Graphics – all being updated as information is available


Contact us:


(303) 355-ARTS (2787) x203

2 Steele Street, Suite B-100, Denver, CO 80206 USA

Official Website: http://www.CherryArts.org

Added by Cherry Creek Arts Festival on January 26, 2009