1200 be there
Richmond, Virginia 23231

Singles: TIRED of the same bar & club scene? BORED of being single? Want to meet Richmond professionals? Try speed dating with Chemistry Connections! You will have 10-15 fun,safe dates in ONE NIGHT with your preferred age range and ethnic group if you have a preference at all! Delicious food & drinks included with your dates! For more details about this & other events visit our website!

Couples: Need to spice up the relationship? Looking do something different in Richmond? Check out Chemistry Connections we have plenty events that can get the two of you out of the daily routine! Visit our website for full details!
You must book your spot through our website in order to attend!

**This event repeats every 2 weeks Tues, Wed, Thurs join mailing list to stay current!

Official Website: http://www.chemistryconnections.net

Added by getmny77 on December 6, 2008

Interested 1