1 pm Neil Blyth, architect: 'Chemically sensitive? How safe is your house?'
2 pm Maree Jeffs, COTA: Remembering Well
3pm break
3.30 pm Deborah Randa, DDLS: Disability Discrimination law and chemical sensitivity
5 pm Dr Colin Little, Physician-Allergist, What is Chemical Sensitivity?
The building has hardwood floors and hydronic heating. It is set on four acres of bush. No pesticides are used on the property and they will clean the building with cleaning products supplied by AESSRA.
If you would like to join AESSRA there is a membership form at www.aessra.org. AESSRA memberscan buy tickets for members of their families at AESSRA member prices. If you are sick on the day, you can get a refund for your ticket minus a small fee to cover costs such as postage.
Organic tea, coffee and herbal tea and filtered water will be available. There are cooking facilities available for anyone who needs to heat food.
About fragrance and other chemicals: For the safety and comfort of people who are sensitive to fragrance and other chemicals, anybody smelling of perfume, aftershave, any other fragrance or essential oils, strong washing powders, hairspray, cigarette smoke, mothballs or other chemicals will have to sit on the chairs outside the hall. For more information on how to be fragrance-free visit www.aessra.org or contact AESSRA. Smoking is not allowed on the property.
Organized by AESSRA Inc.Allergy and Environmental Sensitivity Support and Research Association Inc.
AESSRA Inc is a support group for people with allergies and sensitivities, particularly chemical sensitivities. For more information visit www.aessra.org
Ticket Info: - Early bird non-member, AU$25.00
- Early bird member, AU$12.00
- Early bird concession member, AU$8.00
- Non-member, AU$30.00
- Member, AU$15.00
- Concession member, AU$10.00
Official Website: http://chemicalsensitivity2009-upcoming.eventbrite.com