11464 Olive Blvd.
St. Louis, Missouri 63141

Are you ready to reach your full potential.....focus on the Seven Areas of Wellbeing (physical, emotional, social, intellectual, environmental, occupational, and spiritual.

*Free intellectual round table discussion on topics listed!

*Techniques and tips on topics discussed!

*No Obligation asking questions about counseling services!

Once a month for four months starting Dec 10th.

*December 10, 2009 (11-noon) "Sress and Relaxation for the Holidays"

*January 7, 2010 (11-noon) "Getting Your Financial Crisis Back on Track"

*Feburary 4, 2010 (6-7 pm) "Deal/No Deal: Your Relationship Ideals/Dealbreakers"

*March 4, 2010 (6-7 pm) "Stratagies for Effective Communication"

For information contact Suzanne at suzannecounselor@yahoo.com/314-369-4498

Added by suzannecounselor on November 28, 2009

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