216 union street
Seattle, Washington 98101

On Saturday, April 27th The Triple Door in Seattle, WA is proud to present Charlie Ross, staring in his hilarious show “One Man Star Wars.” Canadian actor Charles Ross may have the best job in the world: professional Geek. As writer and performer of One Man Star Wars and One Man Lord of the Rings, he has toured the globe for the last 11 years, delighting audiences with his unique and frenetic solo shows.
Born in a northern British Columbian town (closely resembling the Shire), Charlie spent his early years longing for galaxies far, far away. It was the discovery of a passion for acting (and a move to more southerly climes) that brought this geek-at-heart back to earth. At university, Ross formed a friendship and collaborating partnership with actor/writer/director, TJ Dawe. TJ has directed four of Ross’s solo shows- the first being the wildly successful One Man Star Wars.
After sold-out tours of North America’s Fringe theatre festivals, One Man Star Wars and One Man LOTR have taken on a life of their own. Licensed by George Lucas and Saul Zaentz : carrying the official banner of Star Wars and Lord of the Rings- it’s fair to say that Charlie now dwells in geek heaven.
With thousands of performances, in hundreds of cities, across four continents: from off-Broadway NYC to the Sydney Opera House, or the West End of London to the sands of Dubai- chances are these shows have been there. The worldwide love affair with these Trilogies is phenomenal- and it’s been a dream come true, for Charlie Ross, to celebrate that love with the generations of fans around the world. 27th
Jeff Davis of Broadway World says “With his wit, attention to detail, and breakneck pacing, Charles Ross's A One Man Star Wars Trilogy is a fanboy's dream come true. This is a brilliant and hysterical send-up of one of the greatest film franchises of all time. If you're a fan of other Star Wars parodies like Mel Brooks's Space Balls and Seth MacFarlane/Family Guy's "Blue Harvest" trilogy, you'll love this show.”
You can find out more about Charlie, TJ, One Man Lord of the Rings and Star Wars through Facebook and Twitter. Or visit www.onemanstarwars.com

Showtimes: 7:00PM & 10:00PM Tickets: $20 & $25 Call: 206-838-4333 or
Visit: http://www.thetripledoor.net
The Triple Door is located at 216 Union St. Seattle, WA 98101

Added by personalpublicity on March 27, 2013



I think the location has changed to the Rhino on Queen West.

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