316 S Main St
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104

Sunday, April 6– Charlie King Benefit Concert for ICPJ. Charlie King is one of the peace movement’s most poignant musicians, and he’s coming to Ann Arbor on April 6. 2:00 p.m. at The Ark, 316 South Main in downtown Ann Arbor. $15 regular admission, $50 benefactor. Benefactors get to join Charlie for a post-concert reception. You can also take out an ad in the program. Ad prices are $45 for a business cardsize ad, $60 for a 1⁄2-page ad (5″x 4″), and $75 for a full-page ad (5″x 8″). Details: chuck@icpj.net, 734-663-1870,

Official Website: http://www.icpj.net/CharlieKing

Added by ICPJ on March 22, 2008

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