500 East Broad Street, Richmond, Va. 23219
Richmond, Virginia 23219

River City Charities is hosting the 2nd Charity Bachelor Auction/Shop for the Cure on Friday September 23, 2011, 7:30pm – 11pm at the Downtown Richmond Marriott, 500 E. BroadSt, Richmond 23219.
Enjoy a night of hors d’oeuvres, cash bar and the hottest bachelors Richmond has to offer. “Win” your date to October’s Pink Tie Gala along with a great gift bag filled with goodies from the Shop for the Cure vendors. Tickets are $15, please call for ticket outlets 804-745-0006, www.charitybachelors.com . For more information, please contact Susan Groves 804-745-0006 susan@pinktiegala.org

Official Website: http://www.charitybachelors.com

Added by danaptg on August 11, 2011

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