4790 Chapman Dam Rd.
Clarendon, Pennsylvania 16313

Chapman State Park, Clarendon, PA 16313. 11 AM - 12 PM. Meet the Turtles with John Bowler. Come to the Environmental Learning Center (across from the main park office) to see a presentation all about turtles by local turtle enthusuast John Bowler. He will be bringing along his 2 live turtles to help him with the presentation. Stop by and say hello! 1:30 Pm - 3:30 PM. Volunteer Day at Chapman. Come out to the park for our monthly volunteer event and help keep the park a beautiful place for everyone to enjoy. Projects will include trail maintenance, tree pruning, litter pick up, gardening/weeding and more. Meet at the parking lot #1. Chapman State Park, 4790 Chapman Dam Road, Clarendon, PA 16313 Contact Jen Park, EES at 814-723-0250.


Added by pigsoink2004 on June 24, 2010

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