The Changing Lives Youth Theatre Ensemble's Summer Showcase is happening at the Vortex (2307 Manor Road), Saturday July 10th at 3pm.
The showcase will feature short scenes and work from ensemble members. Themes include sexism in pop culture, bullying, harassment, and technology’s impact on the social lives of teens.
Work will also be featured from the SafePlace program “The Media Project.”
Come join us for an afternoon of theatre as we examine social issues relevant to today’s teens.
The Changing Lives Youth Theatre Ensemble is a very unique and exciting program that Theatre Action Project and SafePlace created to address these social problems now, and to train leaders to generate solutions for them in the future. This program puts the powerful tools of peer education and theatre in the hands of youth and adults who want to stop the cycles of domestic and dating violence.
Added by pickledbeets on June 25, 2010