20 Quincy St. Harvard Sq.
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138

Salvadoran Ambassador to the US, Rene Leon, will be speaking in Cambridge to promote the right-wing
policies of George Bush's key ally in Central America, Salvadoran President Tony Saca.

El Salvador is the ONLY Latin American country with troops in Iraq.

Sacašs Salvadoran government continues to be a strong supporter of Bushšs war, sending 5 contingents of troops to Iraq. Stand in solidarity with the People of El Salvador demanding that their president bring the troops home and focus resources on education, health care and relief from flooding caused by Hurricane Stan.

Event sponsored by the Salvadoran Citizens Network & the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES) for more information call CISPES @ 617-576-1709 or e-mail boscispes@gtcinternet.com

Added by eprebys on October 4, 2005

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