700 Auditorium Drive
Redding, California 96001

This is the Annual Redding Chamber of Commerce "Chamberee"...the biggest social event of the winter. This year the theme is "Puttin' on the Ritz" and in addition to the Awards for Business of the Year, the evening will feature exhibition dancing, the Straight Ahead Big Band, and a delicious gourmet dinner followed by an evening of dancing. Don't miss this black tie and period costume event. Tables are $575 and individual tickets at $57.00. Call the Chamber of Commerce in Redding at 530-225-4433 for reservations and additional information, or call Chairman of the Event, Ron Largent, at 530-248-5601 or e-mail to ronlargent@shasta.com.

Official Website: http://reddingchamber.com

Added by ronlargent on February 10, 2009

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