10235 - 101 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5J3E9

Get full event details at : http://www.eventsbot.com/events/eb872497947

Wondering which accounting designation is the best fit for you?
CGA is the fastest growing accounting designation in Canada. Why? Because it offers the freedom to earn the designation while you work and to provide you with the skills and insight to help you make a real contribution to your business and your career. CGA Alberta's 386 newest members prove it. 97% of them already work as senior accountants, controllers, university professors, internal auditors, senior tax analysts, directors and team leads for such organizations as Agrium, Nexen, EnCana, TransAlta, Givens, Shaw Communications, Scotiabank, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and Westjet, just to name a few.
Isn't it time you look closely at how to get your CGA so you can have similar opportunities? Find out more about the CGA program and what getting a CGA means by attending a free CGA information session.
Please bring the following documents if you hope to request your Transcript Evaluation (apply to foreign degrees only):
Foreign degree certificates ? original and photocopies (please note that only will the photocopies be taken);
Foreign degree transcripts (mark sheets) ? original and photocopies;
Any of your professional training documents ? original and photocopies;
A copy of your resume.
A CGA ID# - if you don't have one yet, please go to https://www.cga-alberta.org/cps/rde/xchg/cgaab/hs.xsl/1180.htm to create your profile.
Please click RSVP to reserve your seat. The login information will be emailed to you the day before the event. Thanks.
For more information, please visit www.cga-alberta.org. Thank you!

Register for this event now at http://www.eventsbot.com/events/eb872497947

Official Website: http://www.eventsbot.com/events/eb872497947

Added by eventsbot.com on November 30, 2010