170 South Market Street
San Jose, CA, California 95113

Interested practitioners, developers and researchers are hereby
invited to present a paper at the Third Annual SEMANTIC TECHNOLOGY
CONFERENCE ("SemTech"), focused on the application of Semantic
Technologies to Information Systems and the Web. The event will be
held on May 20-24, 2007 at the Fairmont Hotel in San Jose, California.

The first two SemTech conferences have been an enormous success. In
2006 the conference brought together over 600 attendees from around
the world. The agenda was distinguished by the number of real-life
examples of success, and practitioners who came to learn how to apply
semantics to their corporate applications.
The 2007 conference will comprise multiple educational tracks,
including tutorials, technical sessions and case studies. We are
particularly seeking presentations on currently implemented
applications of semantic technology in both the enterprise and
internet environments.
This year we also invite Poster Sessions and Product Demonstrations so
as to provide as much exposure as possible to new ideas and actual
implementations of semantic technology.
The conference is produced by Semantic Arts, Inc. and Wilshire
Conferences, Inc. Questions regarding speaking opportunities can be
addressed to Tony Shaw of Wilshire Conferences at (310) 477-4475 x102,
or by email at speaker@semantic-conference.com
Sponsorship opportunities are also available for appropriate media and
vendor organizations. For sponsorship information, please contact Rick
Froton at 603-305-0660 or email rick@wilshireconferences.com.
2007 Program Advisory Board
The SemTech Program Advisory Board comprises some of the leading
experts and practitioners in the semantic technology industry,
contributing their expertise to help create the most relevant and
up-to-date educational agenda possible:
* Mills Davis, Project 10x
* Robert Garigue, Bell Canada
* James Hendler, University of Maryland
* Elisa Kendall, Sandpiper Software
* Kevin Lynch, Raytheon
* Dave McComb, Semantic Arts
* Deborah McGuinness, Stanford KSL
* Eric Miller, The Kadomo Group
* Brand Niemann, EPA
* Jeff Pollock, Oracle
Topic Areas
The conference program will include papers and/or 50-minute
presentations as well as three-hour and 6-hour tutorials on the
following topics:
Ontology and Taxonomy Design and Engineering
Insight into design and development approaches, techniques that have
worked, and underlying disciplines that would be useful for practitioners.
Semantic Integration
This will include semantic enhancement of Web services via such
standards as OWL/S, WSDL/S, WSMO and USDL. This will also include
Semantic Brokers and the integration of structured with unstructured data.
Semantic Web
OWL/RDF and Semantic Web rule and query languages such as SWRL, SPARQL
and the like. Also progress of policy and trust.
Unstructured Information
This will include entity extraction, Natural Language Processing,
social tagging and the like as well as how to integrate this into a
broader environment.
Query and Search
Advances in semantically based federated query as well as search
improvement through the use of semantics..
Semantic Applications
Report on applications that use explicit semantic information to
change their appearance or behavior, aka "dynamic apps" Also include
Web 3.0 applications.
Knowledge Management
Report on knowledge acquisition, organization and use as well as
building knowledge apps.
Specific Ontologies
Report on upper ontology work as well as domain specific ontologies.
You are welcome to suggest other topic areas.
Proposal Submissions - due December 4, 2006
All proposals must be submitted via the Call for Presentations forms here:
Key Dates & Speaker Deadline
December 4 Presentation proposals due
December 18 Speakers notified of selection
April 16, 2007 Speaker PowerPoint files due
Presentation Guidelines
The first day will be several tracks of 3-hour and 6-hour tutorials.
There will be a morning and afternoon coffee break, plus lunch
provided by the conference.
Conference Presentations
Each conference presentation will be 60 minutes in length.
Presentations must not be sales presentations for vendor products.
Where vendors have done something unique in the field they are
encouraged to describe this and how it can impact the participants
whether or not they implement the vendor's product.
Product Demonstrations
Each product demonstration session is 30 minutes in length.
Poster Sessions
Poster sessions will be conducted on Tuesday May 22 and Wednesday May
23, in the exhibit area and coinciding with the exhibit times. The
purpose of the poster sessions is to provide a means of exposing
current research, corporate initiatives, new ideas and new
products/technologies in development. The poster sessions are a way to
bring these new ideas to light and provide a semi-formal way for
developers and customers to meet each other. Poster sessions are a
good way to gain exposure for projects which may need funding, or to
develop contacts among researchers of similar interests. Additional
questions regarding poster sessions may be directed to Tony Shaw of
Wilshire Conferences at speaker@semantic-conference.com or (310)
477-4475 x102.
PowerPoint slides must be provided for each tutorial, conference
presentation and product demonstration, and may be provided for a
poster session if the presenter wishes. Copyright in all presentations
remains with the author/speaker, however certain usage rights are
granted to the conference organizers. Full details of usage rights can
be viewed during the submission process.
Presentations due April 16, 2007
The conference proceedings will be published on CD-ROM. In order for a
presentation to be included in the proceedings it must be made
available by April 16, 2007.
One speaker for each selected topic will be given a free pass to the
conference as well as a $300 honorarium. Additional speakers may be
nominated for any session, however the additional speakers must
register and pay for their conference attendance (additional
registration will be at 50% reduced rates and must be completed prior
to the start of the conference). Travel expenses will not be provided.
Honorarium for 3-hour Tutorials will be $600, and $1200 for 6-hour
Questions and Inquiries
All questions and inquiries about speaking at the conference may be
directed to:
General inquiries about the conference may be directed to:
Wilshire Conferences, Inc.
11500 W. Olympic Blvd, Suite 510
Los Angeles, CA 90064-1525
Tel 310-477-4475

Official Website: http://www.semantic-conference.com/cfp.html

Added by skruk on November 25, 2006



We are preparing to present JeromeDL there