202 East Pratt Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21202

Based on results of the Duke University/CFOmagazine Global Business Outlook Survey, the CFO Core Concerns conference provides senior financial executives with key insights, best practices, and thought leadership for turning their top 10 concerns into powerful and effective strategies for long-term economic growth.

If you need answers to any of the following questions, you can’t afford to miss the CFO Core Concerns Conference.

· How do I identify the most threatening risks to my organization?

· What cost cutting and working capital techniques really work?

· What are the latest best practices in pricing strategies?

· As the credit crunch continues, what alternative financing sources should I explore?

· What are the keys to maintaining worker morale in the wake of downsizing?

· How should I prepare for future financial regulation?

Official Website: http://www.cfocoreconcerns.com

Added by Conference Guru on March 22, 2010

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