This is a once-in-every-four-years chance! Rock out on February 29: Cetan Clawson will knock your socks off and this is no exaggeration. Straight out of Monroe; this is the Cherokee Jimi Hendrix and he’s only twenty years old. He picked up a guitar at age three and hasn’t put it down since. Clawson has the Detroit Derby Girls stamp of approval.
Ann Arbor’s Third Coast Kings have made it a point to remain true to the style and technique of playing in the tradition of deepfunk and soul music. They provide people with the groove to make them move, while properly restoring deep funk and soul to its rightful spot on the musical map. The Third Coast Kings are a full fledged funk force!
Odell Blues Boy "D" is as real as it gets. Migrated from the Deep South’s Delta region, Odell came north to find work and settled in Detroit, bringing his blues history along with him. Odell sings with straight power. He also leads the weekly blues jam at the Lager House every Wednesday night.
Official Website:
Added by lagerhouse on February 26, 2008
Great night of music!!