Jakarta, DKI Jakarta


Memenuhi persyaratan dari Bagian A.18.1 International Ship and Port Facility Security Code bagi petugas keamanan (Security) dan Personil Fasilitas pelabuhan dalam menjalankan tugasnya dilingkungan fasilitas pelabuhan.

After joining in this training, the participant will be able to:

* Understand the regulation of International/National that link to port facilities Convention Memahami ketentuan konvensi internasional maupun peraturan nasional yang terkait dengan Fasiltas dan keamanan di pelabuhan
* Meningkat kepedulian dan kewaspadaan keamanan pelabuhan
* Memahami tugas dalam penerapan pelaksanaan ISPS Code di lingkungan kerja
* Meningkat pengetahuan dan ketrampilan personil pelabuhan yang terlibat dalam Keamanan Fasilitas Pelabuhan


After joining in this training, the participant will be able to:

* Understand the competency International standard (Quality Standard System) that need in marine terminal and tanker terminal.
* International/National Regulation and code of practice among industry organization that link to marine terminal management
* Facilities Regulation in activities of Mooring, Unmooring/berthing. Un-berthing
* Cargo Handling System in loading discharging, Tank Cleaning, Gas freeing, IGS, Cow
* Safety Operational Procedure Aspect
* Document and business aspect that link to tanker activities and terminal


1. Introduction to ISM Code

* Back ground
* Maritime Security
* Ship & Port operation & Condition

2. Maritime threats & Counter measures

* Detection, dangerous substances and device
* Methods of physical searches
* Techniques security measures
* Crowed Management and control technique

3. Implementation, maintenance and modification of PFSP

* Confidentiality issues
* Implementation and Development of PFSP
* Maintenance and modification of PFSP

4. Audit, Review and Inspection

* Monitoring and control
* Security audit and inspections

5. Security Procedures

* Maintenance security of the ship/port interface
* Implementation of security procedures

6. Contingency Plan

* Training
* Drill
* Exercise

7. Monitoring of Facility Security

* Reporting security incident
* Monitoring and control

8. Record and Check list

* Documentation and records
* Security audit and inspection


* Marine Terminal Superintendent
* Mooring Master/Pilot/Captain/ Senior Officer
* Health and safety Officer
* Tank and Shipping Installations
* Head/ Staff of Port Operational
* Head/Staff Ship Marine
* Loading/Discharging master
* Supporting Staff who is actives in export import crude oil
* Everybody who wants to enlarge the knowledge and interest in the above subject.

Official Website: http://www.focustraco.com/index.php/tm-training-schedule/details/109-105653

Added by training.focus on March 16, 2009

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