6 Tuesdays starting Feb 7, 6:30-9:30, and Sat March 17, 9am to 4pm
Be Prepared . . . Free training! Six Tuesday evenings and a Saturday will prepare you to help yourself, your family, neighbors and your community during a disaster.
After a large scale disaster like 9/11 or the Loma Prieta earthquake, emergency services personnel won't be able to reach everyone in need right away. Since 1994 when FEMA began promoting nationwide use of the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) concept, hundreds of CERT programs have been established in communities across the country.
The goal of CERT training is to train people living in the community to take care of themselves, their families and their neighbors in the event of a disaster.
You'll learn the skills to help save lives and protect property. Classes are taught by Fire District personnel in basic fire suppression, utility control, light search & rescue and disaster medical. Other topics include disaster psychology and disaster incident management. Training is interactive and concludes with a hands-on exercise.
Training involves six evening sessions and one Saturday for a total of 22 hours. There's no charge for the class, but pre-registration is required. First class February 7th. Enroll today.
Official Website: http://www.cerpp.org/cert
Added by FullCalendar on January 24, 2012